Préface ( The Grolier Club of the City of New York )
The foundation of the following sketch of The American Press at the end of the Eighteenth Century was a paper, read in 1924, before the Société d'Histoire Moderne of Paris, by Bernard Faÿ, professor at University of Clermont-Ferrand. M. Faÿ who is the author of " L'Esprit révolutionnaire en France et aux Etats-Unis à la Fin du XIIIème siècle," has made a profound study of the relations of France and the United States during the latter part of the Eighteenth Century, and is well known in this country as a lecturer at various universities.
The paper in question having been called to the attention of its committee on Publications, by a member of the Grolier Club, the Committee requested M.Faÿ to expend it somewhat, and to allow its publication by the Club. The author kindly acquiesced, and the result is a very considerably extended version of the original, containing much additional matter, which the Committee feels itself fortunate in being able to lay before the membership of the Club.